About Us

It’s true what they say: having a child changes your life. Don't get us wrong, it's been amazing but all of a sudden here was this little human to take care of and so many choices to make! When our son Brandon was born, we found ourselves spending hours searching for the best baby gear – everything from the best crib mattress to which sippy cup to use. It was overwhelming but at least there were options. That is until we began searching for a pair of sunglasses. It may seem silly, but hey the sun is damaging and eyes are important so sunglasses were a must in our minds. When he was still a baby, we just pulled down the stroller shade to prevent the sun from bothering his eyes. But try keeping a toddler in his stroller! So as he became more active and started running around, we needed a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes. But the available options were either poorly made or super high-end, designer sunglasses which didn't seem appropriately designed for young children. We soon realized that the sunglasses we wanted for Brandon simply didn’t exist.
As parents ourselves, we recognize that a simple but necessary accessory such as children’s sunglasses can still be stylish, comfortable, and well-made! So we set out to create what we couldn’t find, a line of high-quality sunglasses designed exclusively for kids. We welcome you to discover toucca kids!

toucca kids was launched for all parents sharing our desire to offer their mini-me(s) sunglasses that are not only designed to be sophisticated with an injection of playfulness but also crafted to withstand everyday wear and tear. In developing this collection, we focused on all the painstaking details from appropriate sizing of the frame to the fit of the nose pad to the comfort of the spring hinges so that you and your child will be as happy with the styling and fit of these sunglasses as we are.
Each pair of toucca kids sunglasses is created with design and comfort in mind while providing parents with unique options for children’s eyewear that protect young eyes from the damaging effects of UV rays without sacrificing style and comfort. Our line of sunglasses pair refined classic design with hints of modern aesthetics and functional fit to ensure your children always step out in style.
We are so excited for you to join us on this journey!